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Prostatic diseases
Chronic prostatitis / prostatodynia / chronic pelvic pain syndrome
They are different terms used to define the same problem. It is a complex set of symptoms that lasts for many months, sometimes years, with pain and discomfort in the pubic area that may usually also cause problems in the penis, testicles and the area around the anus and may be accompanied by difficulty in urination. This disease often worsens the quality of life for patients who suffer from it and are sometimes misunderstood by their regular doctors. From this clinic we offer a wide experience in the management of this disease with an advanced comprehensive approach to these problems, treating this disease with a combination of different approaches so our patients go back to their normal lifes as soon as possible.
What is an acute prostatitis?It is an inflammation of the prostate usually secondary to an infection. It may cause intense pain when urinating, difficulty and a slowness of the flow, a high fever and general discomfort. If it is not properly treated, the infection may progress to an orchiepididymitis, an infection of the epididymis and the testis. Usually it responds well to antibiotic treatment.
What is the chronic prostatitis?
It is the classic term used to describe a set of symtoms of pain and discomfort for months or years, in the pubic area, penis, testicles and around the anus, often accompanied by discomfort with urination or sexual activity. This term was used because it was thought that the origin of these problems might be an inflammation of the prostate. However, we now know that it is a much more complex problem and that organs other than the prostate are involved, so we tend to use the term chronic pelvic pain that more accurately defines this disease.
If it is not a problem of the prostate, what other organs are involved?In this disease other organs like the penis, testicles, pelvic muscles, bladder, urethra or even the bowel might be involved. No two cases are alike, and not all men have the same organs involved or in the same way. It is therefore very important to personalize the study, management and treatment in every case.
What is the cause of chronic pelvic pain?It is varied and seldom just one. merge Various causes may merge (infections, stress, sexual problems, urinary, muscular or intestinal diseases,…) and the combination of all these changes is what causes the symptoms. As stated above, no two cases are alike and it is essential to personalize every case and, as is done in this clinic, to allot time in order to understand the different components of this disease.
What tests should be done to reach a diagnosis?Depending on the organs affected, specific tests designed to detect possible causes should be performed. So the study may include urethroscopy (technique for strictures or impaired urethra), cystoscopy (a technique in which we explore the bladder to detect problems or tumours inside), external ultrasound, transrectal ultrasound (with a special probe that allows a more precise view of the prostate), urodynamic studies (test in which the functioning and coordination of the different elements involved in urination are analyzed)…
Can it be treated?Yes. With the proper tests that allow us to detect what is or are the causes causing the discomfort over time, we may be able to prescribe a targeted therapy that succeeds in, as in many cases, relieving or even having control of the symptoms caused by this disease and allowing the men who suffer this disease to return to a normal life.