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Kidney cancer
Kidney cancer accounts for 2-3% of all cancers and is associated with smoking, obesity and hypertension. Its management depends greatly on the size, location and condition of the patient. From this clinic we offer a wide experience in managing this complex disease, both from the standpoint of diagnosis and surgical treatment.
What symptoms may arise from kidney cancer?When tumors are small, usually they do not cause any symptoms at all and are usually diagnosed by chance following a test performed for other reasons. When tumors are larger, they might cause blood in the urine and pain in the lumbar region.
How is a kidney tumour diagnosed?Generally, the renal tumour is diagnosed after an ultrasound or a CT scan performed for some other reason. Once a renal mass is detected, sometimes you have to use other tests to complete the study, such as a renal biopsy.
What is the treatment for kidney tumors?In most cases, surgery to remove either all or part of the kidney is usually required, and these surgeries can be performed laparoscopically. In selected cases, kidney surgery can be avoided and a monitoring protocol of the renal mass with close follow-up can be started.
the section Laparoscopic surgery of the kidney, ureter, upper urinary tract and adrenal gland
Are there other tumours in the kidney?
There could also be tumours in the renal pelvis or in the ureter, what is called upper urinary tract. These tumours behave like bladder tumours, which are discussed in that relevant paragraph.
the section Bladder and urinary upper tract cancer