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Penile cancer
Penile cancer is a relatively uncommon tumor that mainly affects the glans (the tip of the penis) or the foreskin (skin that covers the tip of the penis) and usually manifests as a skin disorder that progressively grows. There is an increased risk for men with phimosis, smokers or those who have had certain infections. From this clinic, we offer the experience gained from running one of the few specific units for treatment of penile cancer, performing not only the curative treatment but also the subsequent reconstructive plastic surgery.
What are the symptoms of penile cancer?In its early stages it is often manifested as a disorder of the skin of the penis that fails to “heal” and that grows over time. This disorder may cause discomfort and bleeding with relative ease. Sometimes this lesion is not clearly visible because it is hidden by a phimosis.
What is the treatment of choice?The treatment is the removal of all or part of the penis. Sometimes it is also necessary to remove the regional lymph nodes (lymphadenectomy). In advanced cases, the use additional of other treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy…) may be necessary.
Is there any alternative to the amputation of the penis?Patient safety is always the most important goal and therefore the treatment should be the one with the best rates of cure. With that said, Dr. Rosino was one of the first professionals in this area to offer plastic surgery techniques associated with tumor removal to reconstruct the excised part of the penis and thus leave a good cosmetic outcome and a proper recovery of functionality, allowing to penetrate and reach orgasm.
For more information you can visit this sections: Oncología – Cánceres urológicos