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Prostatic diseases
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is currently one of the most important health problems that we are faced with. From the clinic of Dr. Rosino we offer wide experience in the management of these diseases, with a complete and advanced preliminary study to reach an accurate diagnosis that allows us to better understand the characteristics of the tumour.
Afterwards, we will offer a personalized treatment that offers the highest cure rate with the least amount of adeverse effects, both through advanced laparoscopic surgery or the latest technology radiotherapy. Also we propose a comprehensive approach to the disease, not worrying only about treating the tumour but also in preventing damage and so succeed in achieving an early and complete recovery, applying specific rehabilitation protocols for our patients that allow the patient to go back to a normal life as soon as possible.
Is prostate cancer very common?Yes. It is the most common cancer in men and the third most deadly.
What symptoms can cause?In the early stages, when the tumour is curable, it is virtually asymptomatic. Only in advanced stages may it cause symptoms such as bone pain, problems with urination, blood in the urine, kidney failure…
Can it be prevented?There are no clear measures that help to prevent this cancer, so it is very important to get an early diagnosis, that is, to detect it in the early stages when it is curable and asymtomatic.
When is it advisable to start screening for prostate cancer?In men that want to, we recommend them to start screening for it at age of 45; a bit earlier, at age of 40, if there is a family history of prostate cancer or if you are black.
How is prostate screening done?Early detection of prostate cancer is initially based on a digital rectal examination and blood tests. Subsequently, if we get data of a relatively high probability of having a tumor, an MRI study will be performed. Depending on the results, a prostate biopsy might be needed to confirm the presence of a prostate cancer.
What is a prostate biopsy?It is a test in which samples from the prostate are obtained to be analyzed to detect the presence of cancer. From this clinic we offer a wide experience in biopsies performed under anesthesia, so it is a painless test that allows the patient to go home a few hours after it is finished.
What is the best treatment for prostate cancer?There are no two tumours that are alike. Prostate cancer ranges from slighty aggressive and slow-growing tumors to others that grow very quickly and may cause death in a short time span if they are not properly treated. Therefore, treatment should be individualized taking into acount the aggressiveness of the tumour, the patient’s baseline condition and his preferences. So we offer a “tailored” management, providing in each case the treatment with the highest rate of recovery and of tumor control with the least after.effects. Roughly speaking, treatments widely accepted as suitable for the management of this disease are active surveillance, surgery, radiotherapy and drug therapy.
What does prostate cáncer surgery entail?What is radiation therapy?
It is a treatment for prostate cancer in which the prostate is destroyed by radiation. There are several technologies available but in this clinic we offer treatments performed by professionals with wide experience in the management of these tumours and the latest technology that achieves better results with fewer after-effects, such as IMRT and Cyberknife as their increased accuracy allows to “aim” with less margin for error so that the radiation is concentrated on the cancer areas of the prostate preserving the healthy areas surrounding the prostate such as the bladder and the bowel.
Can the possible negative effects of these prostate cancer treatments be remedied?Yes, in most cases. From this clinic, we offer our patients a specific rehabilitation program for sexual function and continence. The aim is to not only treat the tumour but also to help patients to get their normal life back after treatment
What is active surveillance?
We know there are non-aggressive and very slow-growing prostate cancers with very Little likehood of causing problems in subsequent years. In these selected cases, we may consider the option of closely monitoring the tumour and only acting on it when a worsening in the behaviour of the tumour is detected. That way the need for more aggressive treatment and its possible negative effects can be avoided or at least delayed.
Is active surveillance safe?Yes, as long as it is done in indicated cases and an appropriate and close monitoring of the disease is followed by urologists with wide experience in this kind of management.
What is the medical treatment?Medical treatment is based on the control of the tumour using drugs, which usually involves manipulating testosterone levels, the male sex hormone. That way the prostate tumour will grow slower or even stop growing, although rarely do these treatments completely remove the cancer.
For more information you can visit this sections: Oncología – Cánceres urológicos